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jVLT - a vocabulary learning tool

Documentation (English)
Documentation (Czech)
Documentation (French)
Project page
Latest stable release:
Download jVLT-1.3.3 binary
Download jVLT-1.3.3 source
Install jVLT via Java Web Start

Installation instructions

After you downloaded jvlt-XYZ.jar, on most operating systems you will only have to double-click on the file.
In order to run jVLT, you need to have JAVA installed. You have to use version 1.5 (or higher) of the java runtime environment.
If you want to compile jVLT, first extract its source archive and change in its main directory. After that, create a folder called "lib" and copy the jar file for the log4j library (version 1.2.15 or later) into it. It can be obtained at http://logging.apache.org/log4j/. Now jVLT can be compiled by calling "ant dist". Afterwards, you can find the executable jar file in the subdirectory "dist". It is called "jVLT-DATE.jar", where DATE stands for the current date. Note that this requires apache ant to be installed.

Additional resources

File format documentation

jVLT uses two XML files - dict.xml and stats.xml - to store the vocabulary data. Those two files are then put into a single zip file with the suffix ".jvlt". Below, you find a sample for dict.xml and stats.xml, respectively, and two DTDs describing their syntax.

dict.xml - vocabulary data
stats.xml - training data
dict.dtd - DTD for dict.xml
stats.dtd - DTD for stats.xml